How to Show Support for Authors during Difficult Times
February 22, 2021
Dear Friends,
I've had the good luck of not having a book come out during the pandemic, but I know many authors who have, and they are struggling. Some will drop out altogether, I am certain.
The publishing industry is said to be doing well but what that usually means is that a very few, super-bestselling authors are doing just fine and holding the fort. But the vast majority of books published recently have not hit their mark, and it's been especially devastating for first-time authors, or so I've heard through the grapevine.
Here are a few ways you can support authors:
Buy books, don't borrow or loan them.
Give books as gifts.
Buy hardcover if you can. If not, buy paperback. If you must, buy ebooks. Authors make the least amount of money on ebooks, and the most on hardcover.
If you can afford to buy books, go to a bookstore and skip the library. American authors do not receive a royaltiy each time a book is checked out of a library as is typical in other countries. Don't get me wrong, I love libraries. But if you truly want to support an author whose work you love, head to the nearest bookstore, preferably a family-owned, neighborhood store.
If you are dependent on getting your books from a library, ask your librarian to order other books by your favorite authors.
Attend virtual events hosted by/for your favorite authors.
Recommend books to others.
Never buy secondhand books. Authors do not receive any royalty, and the original publisher makes no money, either.
Consider buying a book from a first-time author. Take a chance.
Happy reading!
from Amy